❗️自己紹介:自己のプロジェクトで東京芸術劇場コンサート、グラミー受賞者とのツアーやレコーディング!21才でバンドコンテストで優勝以降多くの後輩達にレクチャー多数のCD・DVDリリース、東日本大震災チャリティーライブを石巻で行う。ミュージシャン インストラクター。音楽一家に育ったサラブレット、父隆は人間国宝を創り山下達郎氏を音楽の世界に導いた。ホームページhttp://promusician.web.fc2.com/guitar-school/index.htm洋楽邦楽70~80s(少し90s)音楽生配信! Twitterフォロー @KenichKurosawa 好きな音楽:R&B Soul Funk Jazz Pop Rock 洋楽 フォーク ニューミュージック J-Pop クロスオーバー 一通り チップも宜しく Profile Qenny known as KenIch KurosawaAt the age of 21 Kenny's band won a music performance contest. He has worked with Grammy Award-winning artists including touring musicians who worked with musical icons such as Babyface and more. Performed in concerts and participated in album productions with many musicians from all over the world. He has built his own rehearsal space & recording studio for performances at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theater. He was born in musical family. His father was a music instructor at Tokyo high school and his mother was a vocalist and educator. His father Studied under Kosaku Yamada and Living National Treasure Tosahiro Takemoto. After graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts was a music teacher and had a great influence on Tatsuro Yamashita.
全文を表示ギタリスト シンガー 作曲アレンジャー Twitterフォロー宜しく @KenichKurosawa 好きな音楽:R&B ソウル ジャズ ファンク ロック ソウル フォーク ポップス ブラックミュージック 70~80年代もの